Monday, August 8, 2011

There is something about the {ocean}


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The Islands are calling

This was taken from the house that we stay at. We fell in love with this little place!

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Wishing for some sand between my toes...

We had the great privaledge of spending last Christmas in the Bahamas. We are missing that sweet place so much! Can't wait to get back to the islands!

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Friday, August 5, 2011

Into the wild....

 I know, I know, more deer! But they are everywhere!! We have a few deer that like to come to the deck to see if there are any crumbs or little bits of food left by our crowd. Their fav...cheesy puffs! Yup, ya want to pet a deer? Break out the cheesy puffs!!
 Here is the neighborhood Bear Mommy and her cubs. So cute!!

More cheesy puffs please!!
 See... He likes them!
 Although he is not that sure of Abby...and about 2 seconds after this picture was taken Abby became not so sure of him either!!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

First Day of School

 The first day of school for the girls was yesterday. They have been so excited to start their new school and meet some new friends.

This is their silly picture. I think it to be a tad bit scary!
We were so worried about moving them again, to a new home, a new school...but they have adjusted like pros! They both have embraced the move and living in the mountains suits them just fine. I look forward to many more years of memories up here in our little corner of the world.
Happy New School year!!
(Can ya tell I am a little excited about it too!! )

Lions, tigers & Bears....OH MY!!

Ok..So maybe not so much the lions & the tigers. But the Bears oh yea!! And on our back deck this morning! Emma went to go put on her shoes and looked up to see a bear staring at her through the glass doors!! Needless to say I don't think she has ever ran so fast to get back to my bedroom. Completely freaked out she managed to get out "There is a bear Mama!! On our porch!" I kinda shook my head and thought she was pulling on of her Gotcha jokes again. But I was wrong! There he was on our deck! How nice he was to clean my grill for me! hehehe! He knocked it over & took that grill all apart! Then I guess he got bored with that and decided to move on, as slowly as he could possibly go! By then I had two flipped out little girls!! Sorry the pics are not better..I guess Mama was a little flipped out too!
Ahhh the joys of living in the mountains! There is never a dull moment at the Murphy house!
Ya'll come visit!!!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Happy Birthday...{family style} much fun to flip over!!

Kyle gets a picture without his sidekick!

But not for long! She loves her big brother!!


And then the kids hijacked the camera!!

Nannie havn' a great time!
With so many birthdays in the summer, Mom decided to have a big Family style birthday at the house. It was a great afternoon for all!!