Thursday, July 28, 2011

Happy Birthday...{family style} much fun to flip over!!

Kyle gets a picture without his sidekick!

But not for long! She loves her big brother!!


And then the kids hijacked the camera!!

Nannie havn' a great time!
With so many birthdays in the summer, Mom decided to have a big Family style birthday at the house. It was a great afternoon for all!!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A {business} trip for one..

 So something is going on with the guys in St. Martin. So Delta thought it would be a great idea to send my husband and Myron over there to help rough is that a business trip to St. Martin. Geez! and no I did not get to go..I got the exciting job of keeping 5 children safe and sound here in the beautiful but not so tropical state of Georgia!
 But he came home with some great seashells for our collection and some crazy pictures of even crazier people! Apparently over there the planes land basically on the beach.
 So then he showed me this picture of this sign...hmmm?? Why would you have to put a sign up telling someone not to stand behind a plane?? Common sense, right? Guess again! The reason is because people do it! And for fun! Look it up on Youtube- there are videos of it. But in the meantime....
 Here is a small airplane landing...
 And while it is blurry, look closely and you will see crazies flying backwards
 And into the water! Of course my first question was were is the picture of you doing it? Travis decided to sit this one out!
 Working hard in St. Martin!
More hard work in the's a hard job but hey someone has to do it! Why can't I just come along??

Summertime {part 2}

 A day together..It started with a trip to the dog park. Our new house does not have a fenced yard so the dogs get pretty antsy! Nothing that an hour running free won't fix though. Then it was off to the beach at the lake for a picnic and fun!
 Mostly the boys were well...being boys! Don't dare get in the water unless you want to be flipped, dunked, and completely soaked!

She looks so cute in my hat!

 This is the beginning of a major throw down! Asher was looking at the fish (that picture is next) and out of nowhere here comes Travis with a tackle taking him down!
This is one of the not so friendly little fish that like to swim with you! And yes they nibble! Ouch! I did not like the fish..The kiddos set out to catch one of these little buggers! they did not succeed, today at least. There is still a few more weeks of summer left and Abby is one determined little girl!

Summertime in the mountains {part 1}

 One of the many joys of living in a neighborhood like Bent Tree..So many beautiful spots to enjoy! A waterfall in our little corner of the world.
 My hubby enjoying a relaxing afternoon in the mountains
 Asher went for a swim in the cool water!
 Madison loves this little place!

Friday, July 8, 2011

We are thankful

 We are thankful for our country...our freedom..
 thankful for smiles...
thankful for joy...

thankful for childhood... 

 thankful for love...

This July Fourth was our first in the mountains. We packed a basket full of homemade cookies and joined everyone by the lake for a spectacular fireworks show! Travis and I sat there watching the kids run and play and just be kids..and realized how very blessed we truly are. We always remember that we only get one shot at this life- we have to live it to its fullest. Use it up and wear it out! And enjoy every aspect of the journey along the way.
Happy 4th of July!

Family & Friends....One perfect weekend

This was our last night in Seattle. If we had of known we would spend hours in the airport waiting on a flight to get on we would have stayed longer!!

 I love love these girls!
 Lisa & Wade

Family & friends make our life so full and mean so much to us. It was an amazing weekend..We are looking forward to many more years of making memories with these guys! We love ya'll!!