A day together..It started with a trip to the dog park. Our new house does not have a fenced yard so the dogs get pretty antsy! Nothing that an hour running free won't fix though. Then it was off to the beach at the lake for a picnic and fun!
Mostly the boys were well...being boys! Don't dare get in the water unless you want to be flipped, dunked, and completely soaked!
She looks so cute in my hat!
This is the beginning of a major throw down! Asher was looking at the fish (that picture is next) and out of nowhere here comes Travis with a tackle taking him down!
This is one of the not so friendly little fish that like to swim with you! And yes they nibble! Ouch! I did not like the fish..The kiddos set out to catch one of these little buggers! they did not succeed, today at least. There is still a few more weeks of summer left and Abby is one determined little girl!
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