Thursday, July 7, 2011

Happy Anni-birth-versry Weekend!!

Happy Birthday to Kelly! Happy Anniversry to Us!! One year sure does go by fast! And Seattle is a great place to celebrate both! First I will start with the party! and what a party it was....It is said that what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas..well when you go to Seattle with say WHAT HAPPENS IN SEATTLE STAYS IN SEATTLE!! So here is the first of a few posts from our trip!
 Gettin the party started!!

 Travis and Matt
 The birthday crew! Me and all the crazy kiddos!
And then there was the morning after cleanup....Travis found my scarf. I thought I lost that thing at some point during the night! Needless to say we had a great party! Thank you Wade & Lisa!! And the best part is that we now have an extended family out on the West Coast! We love all you guys and can't wait to get out there again!!

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